Sunday, December 18, 2011

Peratus Keputusan Penuh BPS 302 Julai 2011

Asslamualaikum & salam sejahtera.....

Tahniah kepada semua pelajar SPS 4A yang telah lulus dengan jayanya pada semester ini.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Contoh Rendering

Render a Model

To render a model

  1. Display a 3D view of your model.
  1. From the View menu, choose Render Render.
  2. In the Render dialog box, set options or accept the defaults.
  • Under Rendering Options, select Smooth Shading to smooth the edges between the polygon faces.

Related to Smooth Shading is Smoothing Angle, which sets the angle at which AutoCAD interprets an edge. The default angle setting is 45 degrees. Angles less than 45 degrees are smoothed; angles greater than 45 degrees are considered edges. See Construct Meshes for Smooth Shading.

  • Under Rendering Options, choose More Options. Then, in the Photo Real Render Options dialog box select the options you want.

For information about the options in the Render dialog box, see RENDER in the Command Reference.

  1. To render the image to the screen, make sure that Destination is set to Render Window or Viewport.

If you set Destination to File, the image is sent directly to a file; there is no screen display.

  1. Select a named scene or the current view.
  1. Choose Render.

Depending on the size of the drawing, after a short or long pause AutoCAD displays a rendered image of your model.

Note If your objects are zoomed out past the limits of the drawing and you are having rendering problems, try scaling the scene or zooming in to at least the limits of the drawing.

Render toolbar

Command line RENDER